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Advocacy and Informed Decision Making for a better tomorrow

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Through various projects and activities, H2H Foundation aims to influence decision-making structures through lobbying and advocacy, to raise issues that are of interest to citizens and to include them in government agendas. H2H Foundation will work to increase transparency, accountability and decision-making, raising issues of importance and public interest.

To achieve lasting changes in society, doing the right thing ourselves is not enough. We need to advocate for the changes we want to see and influence the policies and laws that govern society. Advocacy is the act of promoting or supporting a particular cause or issue, typically to influence public policy or opinion. It involves raising awareness, educating others, and developing strategies to bring about change.

An informed decision is a choice that we make after we have gathered and analyzed all the relevant information, weighed the pros and cons of each option, and considered the potential consequences and implications of each outcome. An informed decision is not based on impulse, emotion, bias, or habit, but on logic, reason, evidence, and facts.

Making informed decisions is not always easy. It takes time, effort, and courage. It may require us to challenge our assumptions, seek different perspectives, and face uncertainty. But it is worth it. Because making informed decisions can help us create a better tomorrow for ourselves and others.

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