H2H Foundation has published an announcement in the Koha Jone newspaper about receiving a grant from the European Open Rivers Program for the implementation of the project “Albanian Municipality Dam Removal (DARE)” for the removal of dysfunctional dams in Albania.
You can find the publication in the link https://kohajone.com/h2h-foundation-merr-grant-nga-europian-open-rivers-programme-per-projektin-albanian-municipality-dam-removal-dare-per-heqjen-e-digave-jofunksionale-ne-shqiperi/
DARE project aims to support the Albanian central and local institutions in implementing its commitments and obligations under the Water Framework Directive. As a collaborative initiative the project aims to improve the water quality, ecological status, and resilience of river ecosystems in Albania, by restoring natural river flows. The project will also create the first roundtable and discussion related to the removal of small dams with the aim of creating the first list of identified barriers to be removed in Albania. This will be the first table of this type in the country and will result in the drafting of a list of dams or water obstacles that should be treated as a priority to be removed, which will contribute to the restoration of natural river flows.
H2H Foundation is thankful to European Open Rivers Programme for their support and trust in our work and expertise. This project is a unique opportunity to address the negative impacts of obsolete and redundant dams on the environment and society, and to restore the natural functions and values of rivers and water ways in Albania.
European Open River Programme
The European Open Rivers Programme is a Dutch grant-giving organization dedicated to restoring rivers. The programme offers grants to support projects that lead to the removal of small dams and the restoration of river flow and biodiversity. The programme is funded by Arcadia. The program is funded by Arcadia
For more information about the European Open Rivers Program you can visit their website at: Europian Open Rivers Programme