On February 24-27, 2025, within the framework of the SuS_AGRI project, trainings on innovative methods to compare the impacts of climate change in the agricultural sector will be organized in the premises of Roskovec Municipality, Fier County, Albania. In this training, participants will gain knowledge on:
- Current practices of pressurized irrigation technology
- Climate Risk Assessment and Pollution Sources
- Irrigation planning, needs and types of water resources
- Current challenges and opportunities in irrigation
- Climate change and sustainable productivity
- Culture Water Requirements and Irrigation Planning
- EU Policy for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary
- Impact of climate change on agricultural productivity
- Integrated farm monitoring
- Climate Change and Appropriate Water Management
Participants must meet the following criteria:
- to have good knowledge of English language,
- to be farmer, and
- to be available on the indicated dates.
Interested Participants can register here
Or by scanning the QR code on the invitation.
Participants who will successfully complete the training will get a Certificate of Attendance.
We would greatly appreciate your participation in this training and invite you to save these dates.